Compliance Courtenay Shipley Compliance Courtenay Shipley

SECURE Act is Here and Changing Retirement!

While folks were busy wrapping last-minute holiday presents, a new law passed affecting retirement plans called the SECURE Act, which stands for “Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement,” and puts into place numerous provisions intended to strengthen retirement security. This is the biggest piece of retirement legislation since the 2006 Pension Protection Act and nerds like us are excited! Here’s an overview of ten of the big provisions.

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Compliance Courtenay Shipley Compliance Courtenay Shipley

Moving Target with Target Date Funds

Target Date funds are the most frequently used Qualified Default Investment in a retirement plan, but they often all get lumped together when there are vast differences between offerings. Here’s an overview of what to know.

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Enrollment Courtenay Shipley Enrollment Courtenay Shipley

HSA: What is it and why is it cool?

Your 401k or 403b is for retirement, your HSA is for retirement healthcare. Read on as we explain why the HSA paired with a High Deductible Health Plan is a great option for saving for your future retirement health expenses.

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Management Courtenay Shipley Management Courtenay Shipley

Should they stay or should they go?

Potentially, corporate retirement plans can serve as accumulation vehicles AND also distribution vehicles, and as American workers age and retire on the 401(k) and other contributory plans, plan sponsors are giving more thought to distributions offered to retired/separated participants. Here are the top three things to be thinking about when it comes to terminated employees in the plan.

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Management Courtenay Shipley Management Courtenay Shipley

The Lowest Share Class Debate

401(k) plan fees have long been a focus of headlines and regulatory actions, resulting in disclosure documents and showing up in lawsuits. Revenue sharing is a practice of using some of the fees built into expense ratios of the investments to offset the cost of the plan. But, is that a good thing to do? Let’s examine this further.

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Compliance Courtenay Shipley Compliance Courtenay Shipley

More Muddy Water: What Kind of Advice Are you Getting?

You might have heard that the DOL’s fiduciary standard definition was recently struck down in court and reversed. The result? They ruled that the Labor Department overreached by requiring brokers and others handling investors’ retirement savings to act in clients’ best interest. How you get your financial advise -- from a biased or unbiased financial representative -- just got muddier than ever.

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