Management Courtenay Shipley Management Courtenay Shipley

Defining a Retirement Plan Master

Recently a survey was conducted by the Brightwork Partners, of 100 financial consultants and advisors that are actively advising on corporate retirement plans. “Actively” is the key word here because this is really telling as a quick cartography of the industry landscape. Only 10% of these advisors received 51%-100% of their income from managing retirement plans.

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Compliance Courtenay Shipley Compliance Courtenay Shipley

2017 401(k) and 403(b) IRS Limits

Hot off the press from the IRS! No changes to the contribution amounts for 401k and 403b plans for next year. The limit on these plans remains $18,000 with a $6,000 catch-up for those turning age 50 or older. IRA limits also remained the same at $5,500 with a $1,000 catch-up.

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Management Courtenay Shipley Management Courtenay Shipley

Dear John Oliver: We Love You...But (Part 2)

If you missed Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Retirement Plans (HBO) and his account of trying to set up a 401k plan for the show's staff, go back and watch! This is part TWO of the highlights along with our commentary where we point out where our pal went a little off course.

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Management Courtenay Shipley Management Courtenay Shipley

Dear John Oliver: We Love You (Part 1)

If you missed Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Retirement Plans (HBO) and his account of trying to set up a 401k plan for the show's staff, watch it right now. No, seriously, it's worth it! It's so good, we decided to blog about it. This is part one of two.

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Industry Courtenay Shipley Industry Courtenay Shipley

What does the DOL’s Proposed Fiduciary Rule mean to Plan Sponsors?

In a very, VERY small nutshell, the point and purpose of the DOL’s recently released proposed fiduciary rule is to level the playing field for all financial professionals interacting with retirement plans—401k, etc. as well as IRAs. It establishes an enforceable fiduciary standard of care DOL believes to be consistent with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. Here’s a summary.

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Compliance Courtenay Shipley Compliance Courtenay Shipley

You can only rollover IRA to IRA once a year?

Beginning in 2015, IRA owners will no longer be able to complete more than one 60-day rollover in a 12-month period, regardless of the number of IRAs they own. BUT the one-rollover-per-12-month rule does not apply to rollovers between an IRA and a qualified retirement plan (e.g., 401(k), profit sharing, defined benefit, 403(b) plan, etc.) or vice versa. Details here.

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