The Lowest Share Class Debate
401(k) plan fees have long been a focus of headlines and regulatory actions, resulting in disclosure documents and showing up in lawsuits. Revenue sharing is a practice of using some of the fees built into expense ratios of the investments to offset the cost of the plan. But, is that a good thing to do? Let’s examine this further.
Take Aways from Mark LeBusque's "Humannovation"
Mark LeBusque is a champion of humanizing the workplace. He spoke on how to purposefully create workplaces where people feel like they belong. Here were my 3 key takeaways.
More Muddy Water: What Kind of Advice Are you Getting?
You might have heard that the DOL’s fiduciary standard definition was recently struck down in court and reversed. The result? They ruled that the Labor Department overreached by requiring brokers and others handling investors’ retirement savings to act in clients’ best interest. How you get your financial advise -- from a biased or unbiased financial representative -- just got muddier than ever.